Last month, Steve and I joined my fam on the Cape for a week-long vacay.

For the record, I’m a firm believer in this statement:


Why? Because the beach screams nothing but rest and relaxation to me. And with how busy most of us are in our day-to-day lives, we can all benefit from a little R&R from time to time.

It helped that I had the perfect deck at our rental house in Harwich to practice yoga in the morning on. Tree pose in front of that tree was pretty outstanding.


And it’s always nice to watch sunsets with this guy.



I also discovered that my favorite time on the beach is 9am. When no one is on the beach yet. Because you get views like this. I mean, come on! Pinch me. Nothing but beach, people. This was one of the most beautiful strolls down the beach I’ve ever had.


Oddly enough, one of my favorite dishes during the week was not seafood but crispy brussels sprouts in fish sauce. Don’t question it. Just trust me on this one. If you’re ever in P-Town, get to The Canteen (the cape’s best new restaurant according to Best of Boston 2014).


We lucked out with weather that week and only had one day of rain. On the rainy day, we made it to the movie theater and saw The Hundred Foot Journey, based on the novel by Richard C. Morais and produced by big names like Steven Spielberg and Oprah Winfrey. Now I haven’t read the book so what I’m about to say about this movie has no reflection whatsoever on how it stacks up to the book. From what I’ve heard, the movie strays pretty significantly from the novel (which is now on my reading list) but you tell me! Have you read it?

What I can tell you is that the movie is one of the most beautiful films I’ve seen in a really long time. It’s one of those feel-good movies that evokes every emotion possible throughout the plot and then leaves you feeling awe-inspired when you walk out. There’s such beautiful cinematography throughout the film – shots of the lush rolling hills in the South of France, the outdoor food markets with fresh produce and seafood, and authentic Indian and French cuisine. It’s a movie that celebrates food and all we receive from it. It reminds us that food has the power to bring people together. No matter our differences. Our backgrounds. It reminds us that food is memories. That an ingredient as simple as a spice has the power to evoke a special memory that we hold dear to our hearts.

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If you’re a food lover or a food hater or somewhere in-between, SEE this movie. I’m not saying it’s the most intricate plot and maybe the ending is a bit predictable, but if you can put those two things behind you, it really is a FEEL-GOOD movie. And at the end of the day, don’t we all just want to feel good?

The movie reinforced what I try to cultivate with myself and with my clients and that is to take a mindful approach to eating. Take the time to celebrate food. Invite those you love to share it with you. Take in the aromas, think about where the food came from and how it got to your plate, pay gratitude to those who helped bring food to your table, and notice if any fond memories arise. Food is a powerful, beautiful thing, if you allow it to be. Be mindful and embrace its beauty.

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  1. Can we do some yoga this weekend?? I need some R&R 🙂

  2. I have yet to see Hundred Foot Journey but it’s on my list! Foodie movies are the best 🙂 Those brussels sprouts you had sound like a delicious version I had at a tapas restaurant here in Lincoln. I loved them so much and then made this similar version by White on Rice Couple – delish!

    • Yum! Looks delish. I spent a couple weeks in Thailand last year and now have a whole new appreciation for authentic Thai food :). I’ll be creating my own Brussels dish on the blog soon – stay tuned!

  3. JoAnn

    I live on the Cape so I understand everything you said about it. I try to swing by the beach on my way to work to start my day. Are you going to try to provide the recipe for the Brussels sprouts? Sounds so yummy! Which restaurant?

    • You’re so lucky to live on the Cape, JoAnn! What an amazingly peaceful way to start your day off! I’m going to try and recreate the recipe at home and will share it on the blog soon! The dish is at The Canteen in Provincetown. 🙂